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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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* How is your feral fish data helping?

Detailed catchment-wide information about feral fish, where they occur, and how many there are is vitally important for their management in our catchment. Your feral fish data will help upper murrumbidgee catchment groups and stakeholders to improve feral fish management. By working together we can map and target feral fish hotspot areas, and work together to prevent their spread into new areas of our wonderful catchment.

In the upper Murrumbidgee your feral fish data will be used to:
  • Identify the geographic extent of our worst feral fish species
  • Map hotspots for feral fish
  • Identify breeding areas and track their movement
  • Map carp aggregation areas, and
  • Identify areas for feral fish control.
This information will help us better target areas to reduce the impacts of carp and other pests (especially impacts on native fish) in our river and lake systems.
Data you provide will also provide an early warning system to help prevent the spread of feral fish into new areas of the catchment - including areas that are currently feral fish free. In some cases these areas are important refuges for endangered native fish species.
Your feral fish data will also help to build a detailed picture of feral fish population dynamics, and provide catchment managers with information to assess where control would be the most valuable and effective.

Regular updates

As your feral fish data comes in, we will update this page to show you how your efforts are being used to build a better picture of feral fish and their patters across the upper murrumbidgee catchment. The more data entered, the more useful FeralFishScan will become.
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