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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What FeralCatScan provides

Feral cats prey on Australia's unique native wildlife (including many threatened species) and are associated with the spread of diseases that affect humans and livestock. FeralCatScan is a free resource for landholders, community groups, pest control professionals, and biosecurity organisations.

It can be used to help map were you see feral cats, record impacts (such as predation of native species) or other problems they cause, and document where control has been undertaken. Information you upload can help with humane, justified and effective management of feral cat populations.

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What to record

  • Record feral cat activity (such as sightings)
  • Photos from monitoring cameras
  • Feral cat attacks (such as killed native species)
  • Control activities (e.g. baiting and trapping)
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Benefits of using FeralCatScan

  1. Document feral cat problems in your local area
  2. Work together with your neighbours to create a map of feral cat activity
  3. Notify your local community or landholder group
  4. Alert your local biosecurity groups about feral cats
  5. Get involved in local management activities to prevent the impacts of feral cats.


FeralCatScan has a range of step-by-step instructions to help get you started using the resource:

ABC Landline - Feral Cats

"Feral cats are deadly killers responsible for the extinction of more than 20 Australian native species and they carry diseases that impact the sheep industry."

Click HERE to access the video link. 

Case studies - coming soon 

  • Environmental groups
  • Landholder groups
  • Pest control professionals
  • Biosecurity organisations

Learn more

Resources about feral cat management

There are many techniques that are available for controlling feral cats. There are also a large number of resources that you can use to help you with managing the impacts of feral cats in your local area, including informational fact sheets, instructional videos, and standard operating procedures for control.

Access the practical resources here

Peter West from FeralScan is here to help.

Support is available

If you would like assistance with FeralCatScan, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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