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* Local Sydney images

Send your images of urban foxes or your local area into FoxScan, as we will display them here. Simply email with a small description, the name of the photographer, and let us know where the photo was taken.

Foxes can even be seen on beaches occasionally, such as Lady Robinsons beach, Rockdale City Council

Water courses and wetlands can sometimes harbour foxes. Pictured here, Landing Lights Wetland, Rockdale City Council

Native animals such as this splendid looking male water dragon can easily fall prey to foxes. Image, Bankstown Council

Dense bushland such as Hawthorne Street Natural Area (Rockdale) is not always preferred by foxes

Waterways are ideal habitat for foxes. Pictured here, Coolibah Reserve, Rockdale City Council

Fox detected in Bankstown using a motion activated wildlife monitoring camera. Image, Rockdale City Council

Fox footprint in beach sand.The tracks of foxes and dogs differ. Source, IA CRC
Domestic chickens can sometimes fall prey to introduced foxes. Image, Bankstown CouncilFox spotted in a backyard
Fox detected using infrared wildlife camera.Foxes are occasionally seen in parks and gardens. Pitcured here, Kingsgrove Park, Rockdale City Council
Foxes are sometimes seen on golf courses, such as Hurstville Golf Course.A fox sits beneath a road sign in a street in Bankstown. Image from Bankstown City Council
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