Welcome to FeralCatScan for SA's Murray-Darling Basin
Have you seen a feral cat recently
in the Murray-Darling Basin?
Feral cats cause significant problems throughout the Murray-Darling Basin. They prey on our native wildlife and have been implicated in the spread of diseases that affect livestock and farm productivity - such as Toxoplasmosis and Sarcosporidiosis.
FeralCatScan offers a new way of recording feral cats in our local area. Information you record in FeralCatScan or with the App will help to identify hot-spots for feral cats across the SA Murray-Darling Basin, and help to identify solutions to the feral cat problem throughout our region.
Please record sightings of feral cats in your local area, as well as the problems they're causing and control actions you implement.
Record sightings, impacts and control,
or download the Mobile App
Please register your details and login to map sightings of Feral Cats in your local area on the Google Map. You can record sightings, impacts (such as predation of native animals) or control activities in this website, and view that information at any time.
Learn about feral cats
Find out about feral cats and what you can do to help prevent the problems they cause in your local area.
Send your feedback
FeralCatScan is supported by Natural Resources South Australia Murray-Darling Basin and communities, but we want to hear from you with feedback so that we can improve the program even further. If you have any suggestions, please E-mail feralcatscan@feralscan.org.au.
Proudly supported by
Record Feral Cat Activity