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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What FeralGoatScan provides

FeralGoatScan is a FREE resource available as a website. You can record information about feral goats, alert your local community and biosecurity authorities to movements of feral goats and keep a record of damage and control activities. This resource keeps your information private, meaning that only people who you nominate can view the information on the map. You can also save records and photographs without mobile reception. 
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What to record

  1. Sightings of feral goats, including scats and tracks
  2. Upload images from monitoring cameras
  3. Report damage including damage to native vegetation and fences
  4. Control activities such as trapping, baiting and ground shooting 
Learn more


Benefits of this website

  • Document feral goat activity in your local area
  • Keep your group informed about feral goats in your local area
  • Identify hot spots for control
  • Use the map to plan control programs
  • Work with your neighbours to reduce impacts caused by feral goats


 ABC Landline - Feral Goat

"Feral goats are an introduced pest to Australia, but worth as much as lamb meat. They are also money making saviours to many outback stations in tough times."

Browsing damage from feral goats, source R Henzell 

Case studies - coming soon

Learn about how farmers, landholder groups, pest control professionals and biosecurity organisations are using and benefiting from FeralScan.
Tell us how you use FeralScan so we can share your story with others- Contact us.

Source D Metters 

Management resources

Best practice feral goat management includes a variety of tool and should be undertaken in collaboration with your local community. 

Peter West from FeralScan is here to help.

Support is available

If you would like assistance with FeralGoatScan, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016