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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What FeralGoatScan provides

Feral goats are a introduced pest species in Australia that cause an estimated $8 million damage to the Australian economy each year. Feral goats cause land degradation, impact native vegetation, damage culturally significant sites and competition with livestock.  

FeralGoatScan is a community resource that can be used by anyone to record observations of feral goats. Information you record can be used to manage feral goats more effectively to reduce the damage they cause.

FeralGoatScan - a free resource.

For farmers, the public, community groups, Landcare, local councils, professional pest controllers, and biosecurity groups. Anyone can use FeralGoatScan to record information about goats.


Monitor and record goat activity.

Including sightings and evidence of goats, report impacts goats cause, such as damage to crops and native vegetation and document where you have undertaken control such as trapping and shooting. 


Plan coordinated control activities.

FeralGoatScan can help you and your neighbours to decide where best to undertake control together, to achieve the most cost-effective outcomes from control.  


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How to use FeralGoatScan

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016