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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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Requesting ccess to FeralScan Data

FeralScan currently hosts a range of pest animal information from people all over Australia. Sensitive information cannot be disclosed to others. Non-sensitive information may be sharable on request. Simply email for assistance, or complete the request form below.
Please include as much detail as possible to assist us in processing your request, such as your state/region, the intended use of the data, and any other information that might be relevant to your request.

Do you have a large quantity of feral pig data you would like FeralScan to host?

We offer an easy-to-use bulk data importing facility to help you.
Simply email and we will provide you with the latest template.
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Reducing the impacts of feral pigs to Australia's environment, $65 billion agricultural sector, cultural heritage and social assets by supporting land managers to work together to apply integrated best practice management.
Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Reducing the impacts of feral pigs to Australia's environment, $65 billion agricultural sector, cultural heritage and social assets by supporting land managers to work together to apply integrated best practice management.
Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016