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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What FeralPigScan provides

Feral pigs are a introduced pest species that cause an estimated $106.5 million damage to agricultural industries, our environment and our communities each year. They cause direct damage to agricultural productivity, threaten food security, degrade habitats, damage culturally significant sites, damage sources of bush tucker, and require a high level of management.

FeralPigScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, pest control professionals, local government and biosecurity organisations. Anyone can use FeraqlPigScan to record information about feral pigs in their local area. All information you record is managed securely.

Record where you see feral pig activity and control locations

  1. Sightings or evidence of feral pigs - Where have they been seen recently?
  2. Damage caused by feral pigs - such as predation of lambs, crop damage, etc.
  3. Control activities - such as locations where trapping, baiting, or shooting has been undertaken.


Information you enter is managed securely

Unless you have agreed to be part of a private landholder group using FeralPigScan, your information will remain confidential and your location cannot be identified by others.

Develop a map for planning control

People are using FeralPigScan to assess the scale of the problem in their local area and to plan control programs. This resource can help you and your community to stay informed about changes in feral pig activity, and to monitor, map and control feral pig populations to reduce the damage they cause.

Help protect your neighbours from feral pigs

If you record feral pig activity or pig damage (such as soil disturbance), this information can be used to automatically notify your neighbours or your entire local community to keep them updated.

Stay informed about local feral pig activity, and alert your local biosecurity group

If you record information into FeralPigScan, this can be used to automatically alert your local biosecurity group or government agency about feral pig activity at your location.

Work together with your neighbours to reduce damage

FeralPigScan can be used to help inform people about pig activity in the area, and help everyone contribute to a community control program.


Case Study Examples

Contact us if you would like advice or assistance.
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Reducing the impacts of feral pigs to Australia's environment, $65 billion agricultural sector, cultural heritage and social assets by supporting land managers to work together to apply integrated best practice management.
Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Reducing the impacts of feral pigs to Australia's environment, $65 billion agricultural sector, cultural heritage and social assets by supporting land managers to work together to apply integrated best practice management.
Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016