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What MouseAlert provides

MouseAlert is a free resource that grain producers and farmers can use to record and report the prevalence of mice before they become a major issue. MouseAlert is a free resource, and can help you to notify producers in your region about changes in mouse activity. Information you enter, can be used to alert local biosecurity authorities and other people about changes in mouse populations, which can help everyone reduce the problems they cause.

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What to record

  1. Mouse activity in paddocks, crops, and grain storage     
  2. Photos of the damage they cause
  3. Notes about any recent changes to mouse activity, such as Numbers are rising.   
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Mouse Activity Report - August 2024 CSIRO and GRDC

Download the full report (August 2024) (PDF)

There is moderate-high mouse activity in parts of the Queensland Darling Downs (refer to Map). Mouse activity is very patchy (moderate/high in one field, but low in the next). Mouse activity is low in all other areas. Growers should actively monitor mouse activity (mouse chew cards are useful at this time of year). There is always a chance of higher isolated patches of higher mouse activity. Report all mouse activity into MouseAlert.

Management recommendations

  • Monitor crops for mouse activity - use chew cards or walk across your paddocks for active burrow counts.
  • Bait if mouse damage is evidence to maturing crops - Aerial apply zinc phosphide mouse bait.
  • Always adhere to label instructions when baiting, and be aware of withholding periods.
  • Once seeds have developed on heads, mice are reluctant to go for zinc phosphide baits, so bait well before seed set if possible.
  • Talk to bait suppliers and ask for 50 g ZnP / kg bait to ensure best chance of success. Be aware that demand for bait is currently high.
  • Control weeds and grasses along fence lines and crop margins before seedset by spraying or slashing.
  • Mouse-proof houses and grain/stock feed storage areas if possible.
  • Apply bait around buildings if necessary - please comply with label conditions.
  • Talk with other growers, and seek advice. 

Benefits of using MouseAlert

  • Document mouse activity (eg. crops, grain storage)
  • Stay informed about changes in mouse activity in your local area
  • Alert your local biosecurity group and neighbours to changes in mouse activity
  • Develop a coordinated control program with your local community

Support is available

If you would like assistance with MouseAlert, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016