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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What MouseAlert provides

Mice are a significant problem in Australia, causing severe economic, social and environmental damage during plagues. Grain growing areas suffer damage to crops and to stored grain; rural businesses suffer damage from mice chewing stock and electrical wires; rural communities experience high levels of stress through the constant presence of mice. Damage occurs to a wide array of crops. MouseAlert is a community resource that can be used by anyone to record observations of mice. Information you record can be used to manage mice more effectively to reduce the damage they cause and plan for control activities.

MouseAlert is a free resource.

For farmers, grain producers, Landcare groups, and biosecurity groups. Anyone can use MouseAlert to record information about mouse activity in farm environments. The more information you record, the more useful MouseAlert will become for detecting changes in mouse activity across your region, which can help predict and prepare for plague events.


You can use MouseAlert to monitor and record mice activity.

Including evidence of mice breeding, and activity in pastures and crops.


Plan coordinated control activities

MouseAlert can help you and your neighbours to decide when it is the best time to undertake control to achieve the most cost-effective outcomes from control. 

The more information you record, the more useful the MouseAlert map will become for you, your neighbours, your community, and local authorities helping to manage mice plagues early.




How to use MouseAlert

Record Mouse Activity
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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016