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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What WildDogScan provides

WildDogScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. It has been designed by landholders for communities.

What to record:

  1. Sightings and evidence (e.g. footprints)
  2. Attacks (e.g. mauled livestock)
  3. Control activities (e.g. baiting or trapping)

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Benefits of using WildDogScan

  1. Develop a property or local area map of wild dog activity to guide control efforts,
  2. Work together with your neighbours to undertake coordinated control,
  3. Notify your local community or landholder group about wild dog activity,
  4. Send alerts to nominated people, such as neighbours or biosecurity authorities.   


Bring your group together 

Use the private-group feature within WildDogScan to bring your landholders together. View sightings, damage and control records from other members, and keep everyone informed (including biosecurity organizations) about current wild dog activity.

Farmers can easily record wild dog attacks using the App. Image by Goodluz 

Case studies

  1. Farmers and landholder groups
  2. Pest control professionals
  3. Biosecurity organisations

Learn more >


Resources to help you

There are many resources available to help you with managing wild dogs and their impacts, including glove-box guides, fact sheets, instructional videos for undertaking control, monitoring guidelines, and management plans.

Check out the latest from PestSmart, and visit the National Wild Dog Action Plan

 View more practical resources

Video: Wild dog movements on the Guy Fawkes River (NSW DPI)


Glovebox Guide for Managing Wild Dogs

The Glovebox Guide is a general guide for Australian farmers, land managers and government staff managing wild dogs. This guide is a good starting point, and can help you understand the principles of wild dog management, and choose the best options.

Download the Glovebox Guide here

A field guide to poison baiting wild dogs and foxes

This guide provides information on the strategies and approaches to deliver baiting programs for wild dogs and foxes. It brings together a range of practical methods for the placement and use of wild dog and fox baits in various landscapes around the country. The guide has been developed to provide land managers with additional information and strategies to improve the effectiveness of baiting programs for the protection of livestock and biodiversity.

Download the Field Guide here

Best-practice management of Wild Dogs in peri-urban environments

Managing wild dogs in peri-urban regions can be challenging. However, there are a variety of options available to peri-urban residents that can help them reduce the impacts caused by wild dogs. This guide gives you a strategic framework for the best practice management of peri-urban wild dogs. To help effectively manage the impacts of wild dogs in your area, for the benefit of individual landholders and community members, the guide presents key lessons, useful approaches, actions to consider.

Download the best-practice guide 

National Wild Dog Action Plan

The National Wild Dog Action Plan is Australia’s blueprint strategy for wild dog management that guides state, regional and local plans in accordance with principles of the Australian Pest Animal Strategy 2017-27. It promotes evidence-based, best practice tools and methods aimed at protecting agriculture, the environment and community wellbeing. Visit the website to learn more about the National Wild Dog Action Plan.

Visit the NWDAP website


Support is available

If you would like assistance with WildDogScan, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016