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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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Cane toads are a major pest throughout Australia. Help protect people, domestic pets and native wildlife from the impacts of cane toads. Report sightings immediately!

What ToadScan provides

ToadScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. It has been designed by landholders for communities.

Help protect native species- record cane toads:

  • Sightings (e.g. adults, eggs, calls)
  • Photos of toads
  • Impacts (e.g. pet poisoning)
  • Control (hand collection)

Benefits of using ToadScan

  • Help map cane toad populations in your local area
  • Protect our native wildlife
  • Alert local biosecurity authorities
  • Involve your community in coordinated control
  • Prevent cane toads from spreading further

New Cane Toad Control Resource

The Clarence Landcare and Border Rangers Richmond Valley Landcare networks have created a new resource to help communities manage cane toads in NSW. 

  • Cane toad identification
  • Cane toad habitat and infestation (NSW)
  • Control methods (including collection and exclusion)
  • Euthanasia, disposal and safety
  • Reporting and recording toads

Hand collection of cane toads

Collecting cane toads (including tadpoles and eggs) is a simple and easy way for you to remove cane toads from your local area. Please consider your own safety and the safety of your pets, as cane toads excrete a poisonous substance when threatened. It is considered good practice to wear gloves and other PPE, and wash your hands after handling cane toads. For information about euthanising cane toads, and first aid procedures for pets, visit the Handy Resources page. 

NSW prevents further spread

Help stop the spread of cane toads throughout NSW. A Cane Toad Biosecurity Zone has now been declared for NSW to prevent them from spreading further.

If you have seen a cane toad within the Biosecurity Zone recently (marked red on the map to the left), report sightings immediately.

Information you provide will help local groups to take action to prevent cane toads from colonising new areas.

Click here to report a sighting

Peter West from FeralScan is here to help.

Support is available

If you would like assistance with ToadScan, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016