Known region for toads

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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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Record data
Please see our cane toad identification guide
Date observed *  
2. Click on the map or type your coordinates:
Latitude *
Longitude *
3. Your full name *
3a. Your contact phone number (including area code) *
3b. Email address *
4. What is the street address / or nearest street (number, street name, suburb, state, postcode) of the sighting? *
5. Describe the location where you observed the animal(s)
6. Number seen? *

7. Age?

8. Do you have the animal(s) in your possession?

9. Is the animal(s) alive, dead, or sick/injured?

10. Do you have any further information to provide?
11. If you have a photograph of this sighting, please upload it
Date observed * 
2. Click on the map or type your coordinates:
Latitude *
Longitude *
3. What damage have cane toads caused at this site? *

4. Notes (250 character limit)
5. Email address *
6. If you have a photograph of this damage, please upload it

Please note, control data you add here cannot be viewed by the general public.

Start date *  
Finish date 
2. Click on the map or type your coordinates:
Latitude *
Longitude *
3. What control techniques have been used during this period? *

4. How many cane toads were removed in this control action? *
5. Notes (250 character limit)
6. Email address *
7. If you have a photograph of this control, please upload it
Site Event History
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Tap on the map to place a marker