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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What this website provides

Non-native animals such as exotic birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians or mammals can cause significant problems if deliberately or accidentally released into the wild. They can threaten native plants and animals, spread disease, affect human health, and impact on agriculture. 

This website provides a simple method for you to report possible sightings of new pests, specifically Red-eared Slider Turtles and American Corn Snakes.

These pests have recently been found in the wild in various locations around Australia. They are considered high-risk pest species because they can cause significant problems. If you suspect you may have seen either of these species in your local area, please report the sighting immediately. Your report can help local experts to protect our environment, agricultural industries, people, and human health.

Learn more 

Costa Georgiadis talks about the American Corn Snake

Learn about the America Corn Snake, including what they look like and how they can impact our environment if they were to establish in Australia. 

What should you record

  1. Sightings of Red-eared Slider Turtles and American Corn Snakes.
  2. A clear photo of the animal(s).
  3. Your contact details, so that local teams can contact you, if needed.
Learn more

Recent success stories

Learn about some good news stories where people have spotted a high-risk species in the wild, and then worked with local authorities to remove the animal to protect the environment, people and agriculture. 

Learn more

Resources about non-native animals

Non-native animals can sometimes look very similar to our native Australian species. There are a range of resources that you can access to help you learn about non-native animals and identify different species. Resources include labelled images, videos, sound clips of animal calls, information flyers and other helpful websites.

Access the helpful resources here

Support is available

If you would like assistance with the New Pest Reporter, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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