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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What this website provides

Reporting is quick and easy

This website is fast and simple to use. The short form will prompt you to enter essential information to rapidly report new pests in your local area.

Stop new pests from establishing

The information you provide will be supplied to local biosecurity staff who may be in contact with you to provide assistance. Your assistance can help to prevent new species from becoming serious pests. 

Any personal information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.

There are many pests, weeds and diseases that have been accidentally or intentionally introduced into Australia, and that threaten our unique native plants, animals and ecosystems, as well as essential food production systems. 

Some newly introduced species (including exotic reptiles, fish, birds, amphibians and mammals) have recently been found in the wild in low numbers, but they have the potential to become major pest species. This website can be used to report possible sightings of two unusual non-native animals, which have rapidly become new pests.


These species have recently been detected in the wild and are becoming an emerging pest. If you think you have seen these animals, please report them immediately. We need your help to protect our native species, ecosystems and agriculture.


Report sightings immediately here


Why are there introduced animals in the wild?


Non-native animals have been introduced to Australia through many avenues, including authorised and illegal ownerships. If these animals are deliberately released or escape from captivity, wild populations may establish and cause a lot of problems. If you have found or seen an animal in the wild that you suspect is not a native animal, and if it is not an established introduced species (such as a fox, rabbit, feral pig or deer), please use this website to report your sighting. If you are unsure whether the animal you have seen is a native or introduced species, please contact local authorities - Click here


What problems can introduced animals cause?

  • Introduce and transmit exotic animal diseases and harmful parasites.

  • Impact pets, farmed and native animals.

  • Compete with native wildlife for food and shelter.

  • Degrade or destroy natural habitats.

  • Impact negatively on legitimate industries, such as the pet trade.

  • Threaten human health and safety, e.g. disease.


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