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* Best practice management

There are several ways to control cane toads:

 Hand collecting cane toads, source NSW NPWS
Cane toad musters and hand collection - This method involves collection of toads and humanely disposing of them. This methods is best undertaken with lots of people across a target area where the goal is to remove as many toads as possible. Cane toad musters cannot be one-off events and should involve a sustained effort otherwise those toads that remain will simply breed up. In some cases, this can result in eradication of cane toads, but only where populations are isolated from further cane toad immigration.
Exclusion and barrier fencing (50cm high) - This method prevents cane toads from entering areas of importance (such as gardens, swimming pools and dams), or preventing movement into a new area. But it can only be effective on a small scale and requires maintenance. Fencing can be used to exclude toads from breeding sites. 

- The trap named the Super Trap operated on the principle that black UV lights attract cane toads into the trap during the night. See Super Trap (956KB) 


Despite the fact that Australians have been controlling cane toads for decades, there has been very little research on euthanasia of toads. There remains debate over the most humane method to use. ToadScan recommends you check with local authorities and the RSPCA for updates on the recommended euthanasia procedures. Current options include stunning followed by decapitation, carbon dioxide, HopStop, cooling followed by freezing and several other methods. It is important to ensure that cane toads are killed in the most humane way. 

How to reduce cane toad problems

  • Install cane toad proof fences around your garden, around important areas (eg. swimming pools), and around possible breeding sites in your garden (eg standing water).
  • Join (or form) a community group to control cane toads in your local area, street or suburb - This could involve regular cane toad musters with relevant authorities eg. councils or Parks and Wildlife officers.
  • Collect cane toads in your garden (rather than chasing them away) and humanely euthanise them once you have confirmation that it isn't a native frog.
  • Feed pets inside to reduce the risk of your pets accidentally eating a toad
  • Seal off entry points to your yard to prevent cane toads from entering
  • Regularly inspect standing water in your local area for cane toads or eggs (chains) and notify local authorities.
  • Conduct surveys for cane toads (listen for calls, look for toads or road kill, and look for toad egg chains in nearby water).
DO NOT euthanise any suspected cane toad, eggs or tadpoles until they have been correctly identified by local authorities. Many native frogs we need to protect can be easily mistaken for cane toads. Please check with your local experts for identification.

Further information

Contact us for assistance, E-mail 
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