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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

Learn more about How to use the website

Learn about How to use the App

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How to use the App

The FeralScan Pest Mapping App can help you to record information about feral deer on your property or in your local area, such as sightings, photos, damage to vegetation and soil, or control activities. Information you record while using the App will display on the DeerScan map.

The App can be downloaded onto your mobile device free-of-charge from the Apple App-Store or Google Play-store (links available on this website). We recommend you Login upon opening the App for the first time.

The App works without internet connection or network coverage. The App stores records within the Saved Records folder in the App, until you are back within a mobile or WiFi network. You will need to open the folder to submit your records.


Downloads that you can refer to later

How to install the App (PDF) - Android and Apple

Example, How to record sightings of deer using the App.

Step 1

Step 2


Step 3

Step 4


Step 5

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016